"Here, the photograph is both an artwork and a document, that is, both a primary and a secondary work: it is both a framed, tonally nuanced picture and simultaneously a document, a piece of evidence that registers an absence, an event that has passed. The event's clandestine aspect heightens the resonance of the photographs' evidential nature. They don't just document a performative intervention, they register a very particular transgression. Imparting knowledge of the transgression makes the audience complicit, however reticently. What's more, the act's seeming ineffectuality too has an affective charge. For it seems to rhetoricize its own inconsequentiality: room furnishings are shifted around and then painstakingly put back where they belong—although, of course, the intervention questions where they in fact belong. So, then, has anything happened? Has nothing happened?
Slotawa, the hotel guest, accepts the furnishings and fittings as a kind of inventory, as a given limit, while refusing their configuration. This is a question of dwelling insofar as the remade rooms declare themselves as zones of subjective identification and occupation. They deny the impersonality that's assumed to be a condition of the hotel room's function as a hotel room."

"Hotel Città di Parenzo, Triest, Zimmer 307, Nacht zum 2. Januar 1999"
© Florian Slotawa

"Hotel Europoa, Prague, Room 402, Night of June 8,1998"
© Florian Slotawa

"Hotel Europoa, Prague, Room 402, Night of June 8,1998"
© Florian Slotawa

"Hotel Intercontinental, Leipzig, Zimmer 2116, nacht zum 12. Dezember 1999"
© Florian Slotawa