Stephen over at Canteen Magazine e-mailed me today to announce that submissions for the 2010 Canteen Awards in Photography are now open. Follow the guidelines below to submit:
Deadline: February 28, 2010
First place: $500 + your portfolio published in Canteen Six, posted on our website, and featured in our contest show at powerHouse Arena.
Three runners-up: $100 + your work posted on our website and featured in our contest show at powerHouse Arena.
Fee: $15 (you will receive a single copy of Canteen) or a subscription to Canteen. Enter the discount code “contest.” Pay here.
Submit: After you pay the entry fee, you may submit five to eight jpegs here. Please read our complete Rules & Regulations before entering.
Selection: Canteen’s goal is to be as transparent as possible about our selection process. See our Rules & Regulations for details.
Questions? Write to contest@canteenmag.com.
Arnold Lehman is the director of the Brooklyn Museum. brooklynmuseum.org
Matthew Porter’s work has recently appeared in the New York Times Magazine, VMAN, and Exit. He holds an MFA in photography from ICP-Bard and is represented by M+B Gallery, the Marty Walker Gallery, and the Creative Exchange Agency. matthewporterphoto.com
Canteen art director JJ Sulin’s photographs have won industry awards, including CA, Archive, ADG, and Print. jjsulin.com
Canteen art director Betsy Bell’s work has appeared in Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity (Focal Press), and she has exhibited work at e3 gallery, Umbrella Arts, the Chelsea Gallery Space, and the Wall Street Viewing Room.