Their mission statement pretty clearly spells out their goals and aspirations as a publication:
"Founded in 2003, Daylight Magazine is the biannual printed publication of Daylight Community Arts Foundation (DCAF), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the use of photography as a tool for effecting social change. By reimagining the documentary mode through collaboration with established and emerging artists, scholars and journalists, Daylight Magazine has become one of the premier showcases for contemporary photography.
In addition to publishing Daylight Magazine, DCAF seeks to help underrepresented communities share their stories by distributing cameras, establishing darkroom and digital imaging facilities, administering photographic workshops, and curating local and traveling exhibitions. Ultimately, DCAF’s goal is to provide these communities with access to the resources and equipment necessary to participate in the global visual dialogue."

Despite Daylight Magazine being somewhat hard to find, I would advise people trying to seek it out. It is important that photography explore and embrace the avenues of social change that are inherent to the medium, not to mention its history.
From Top to Bottom:
David Maisel, From Issue 3, Winter 2005
Ahikam Seri, From Issue 4, Spring 2006
Joel Sternfeld, From Issue 3, Winter 2005
Paul Shambroom, From Issue 6, Fall 2007
All Images © The Artists