Shane Lavalette got in touch yesterday with an update regarding Remain In Light, which, "after much deliberation" is being taken a new direction. The first issue of the publication, now titled Lay Flat, will retain the "Remain In Light" moniker and will feature the same 20 photographers as originally curated. The artists included are:
Andreas Weinand, Anne Lass, Coley Brown, Debora Mittelstaedt, Ed Panar, Estelle Hanania, Gustav Almestål, Hiroyo Kaneko, Kamden Vencill, Mark McKnight, Michel Campeau, Nicolai Howalt & Trine Søndergaard, Nicola Kast, Nicholas Haggard, Shawn Records, Raimond Wouda, Richard Barnes, Thobias Fäldt, Whitney Hubbs & Yann Orhan
In addition, issue 1 will feature the following writings: One Credo After Another by Tim Davis, The Secessionists Revisited: Artist Collectives in the Age of the Blog by Cara Phillips, Castaways vs. Utopians by Jason Fulford, A Telephone Conversation with Mike Mandel by Shane Lavalette & Close Readings by Darius Himes.
Shane is projecting a November release date, so refer to the website for further information and updates.
Ridderkerk II, 2003 by Raimond Wouda
Image © Raimond Wouda