"Every Wall Drawing #146 deals with my interest in Sol LeWitt’s notion of the idea as a machine for making art, taking a very literal interpretation of his Paragraphs on Conceptual Art. In order to actually build a ‘machine’ to make art, one must take into account the human element that goes into producing a LeWitt— a lot of subtle sensibility and personal judgment that makes a work both random yet perversely organized. Randomly producing such results is difficult, but a system that lent itself well to automation was Wall Drawing #146 (1972): “All two-part combinations of blue arcs from corners and sides and blue straight, not straight and broken lines.”
The result is an exercise in pure decisionless conceptual art adhering strictly to LeWitt’s concept, as described in Paragraphs on Conceptual Art, producing (theoretically) every possible iteration of Wall Drawing #146 in the fixed dimensions of a virtual gallery space."
Below are just a few of the seemingly endless possibilities...

"Every Wall Drawing #146"
© Benjamin Bruneau

"Every Wall Drawing #146"
© Benjamin Bruneau