Many of you have probably been wondering what has become of The Exposure Project. Over the last six months, we have taken a necessary hiatus to work on personal projects and to do some restructuring. We are now happy to report that we are officially back with some exciting programming lined up for the coming months. In addition, we are now working with two new collaborators, Aaron McElroy and Phil Jung. We are really excited to have them both on board and wanted to take a moment to introduce their work to you here.

© Aaron McElroy

© Phil Jung
Regular posting to the blog will resume this week. As a means of highlighting our distinct artistic interests, each of us will take up a week long posting stint. Phil Jung will kick things off this week, followed by Aaron McElroy, Anastasia Cazabon and finally Ben Alper. After this point, and in an effort to further the collaborative mission of this project, the blog content will be contributed weekly by a different guest poster. If you have any interest in being a contributor yourself, please send a CV and a sample of your writing to
We are also currently working diligently on the preparations for our fifth Exposure Project publication. Further details and submission guidelines will be announced shortly. Also stayed tuned for exciting news regarding Graphic Intersections v. 02!