I have been extensively reading and thinking about the photographic typology, and contemplating the function it serves as a means of categorical documentation. In a effort to try and understand the typology as a social record, I have turned to the work of the
Becher's, which serves as an comprehensive and reliable model. I am currently trying to amass research for a paper chronicling the influence of the Becher's work on contemporary practitioner's who also employ photographic typologies in their work.
Stephen Shore was an obvious choice with his commonplace examinations of food at eating emporiums around the country. I will try to enact this as a regular feature on this blog, however, if anyone has any good nominations for photographic typologies that I might not be aware of...let me know.

From Top to Bottom:
Trail's End Restaurant, Knab, Utah, August 10, 1973
New York City, New York, September – October 1972
Granite, Oklahoma, July 1972
Washington, District of Columbia, November 1972
All Images © Stephen Shore