The films of Wong Kar-Wai are beautiful, melancholic and above all stunningly visual. His longstanding relationship with cinematographer Christopher Doyle has culminated in a recognizable aesthetic that the majority of Kar-Wai's films possess. This collaboration has produced some of the most visually arresting sequences in recent cinema. Doyle's often extreme use of color and texture coupled with his utilization of wide-angle lenses and panning slow motion shots, combine to create whimsical, often surreal imagery.
In addition to 2046, Doyle has collaborated with Wong Kar-Wai on Chung King Express, Fallen Angels, Happy Together, In The Mood For Love and Eros. In The Mood For Love is absolutely one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen. However, none of Kar-Wai's films are likely to disappoint.
Still from 2046, 2004. (dir. Wong Kar-Wai, cine. Christopher Doyle)