“Life is a series of small moments” is an ongoing body of work about intimacy and disclosure, vulnerability and awe, and the bittersweet knowledge that everything is impermanent. I’m trying to suspend time, to document and truly notice on a deeply involved level both my everyday existence and the activities of my family, and the life that we lead in the here and now. There is heartbreak in lost time, and an ache in me as I watch my girls growing bigger so quickly. It’s fleeting, but even though we all know this, it’s still so continually hard to be genuinely attentive. My images are an attempt to become aware, to see the small details, to not let it all get away from me, and to confront through my camera my adoration and my sadness, the tenderness and exasperation I feel about balancing motherhood with my individual desires. My work is also related to the process of allowing myself to experience and accept a mixture of contradictory emotions, be they wonder and anxiety or boredom and gratitude. Overall my photographs embody being in the thick of parenthood in all of its messy splendor, and I feel honored to be able to bear witness."

All photographs from the series Life Is A Series Of Small Moments
All Images © Elizabeth Fleming