"With the help of the communities of Zapallal and Yurinaki, I started a photographic project, that deals with life conditions in these particular surroundings. I wasn't interested in creating a classic reportage or using a journalistic approach. I wanted the community to participate in the project and involved my subjects in the creative process. They helped me composing the images, selecting and arranging characteristic elements of these surroundings, searching for typical spaces to stage every-day situations in order to deal with social and political issues. Most of the people now living in Zapallal came from the countryside to the outskirts of Lima, hoping to find better work opportunities and establish a solid economical wealth. The high percentage of unemployment and an overpopulated capital city didn't leave them many chances except starting all over again. Most of the people I photographed in this project experienced this social instability. After a few years of development the several tendencies and stages, all emerging from the same origin, became noticeable."

From "Zapallal/Yurinaki"
© Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann

From "Zapallal/Yurinaki"
© Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann

From "Zapallal/Yurinaki"
© Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann

From "Zapallal/Yurinaki"
© Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann

From "Zapallal/Yurinaki"
© Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann