I came upon the publication
European Photography the other day and was quite impressed by overall presentation of the publication and the breadth of work contained within. The issue I saw (#81) consisted of bodies of work exploring the transformation of Berlin. Featured photographers included,
Angus Boulton,
Ulrich Wüst,
Hannes Wanderer, Andreas Göx,
Frank Thiel and
Norbert Wiesneth to name a few. I had trouble tracking it down, however, if you're interested in buying issues, you can do so

From Top To Bottom:
Hannes Wanderer & Andreas Göx, Image from the series
Time Out Norbert Wiesneth, Image from the series
INZWISCHEN (2002-2006)Angus Boulton- Leipziger Strasse 2.9.98
All Photographs © the Artists