I was challenged by what constituted beauty. Russians, in the past at least, have been prepared to admit that their landscapes have lacked the picturesque detail of European vistas. This could equally be applied to rural or city space. Yet they see in these things the tokens of an extraordinary spiritual wealth and are the well-spring of the resilience, energy and spirituality of the Russian people.

From Top To Bottom:
Holidaymakers onboard the Afanasy Nikitin cruise ship. Volga River.Volga, June 2005
Victory Day picnic. Yekaterinburg. Urals, May 2005
The lounge of a former sanitorium. Sludyanka. Eastern Siberia, November 2004
Port officials. Vladivostok. Far East Russia, October 2004
Deflated crocodile. Yekaterinburg. Urals, May 2005
All Images © Simon Roberts