Found the work of Belgian photographer
Geert Goiris in the monograph
Vitamin PH: New Trends In Contemporary Photography. Goiris' photographs are at first strangely offputting, immediately calling into question the relation of one image to another. On further inspection, however, they reveal disparate connections between the complexity of human settlement. The image
Rhino In Fog, 2003 is representative of the challenging manner in which Goiris' photographs operate. The sedentary animal appears geographically out of place, as if subjected to a reality that is foreign and strange. Perhaps, just seeing a Rhinoceros in a foggy, green field simply defies the typical connotations associated with this specific animal.

From Top To Bottom:
Rhino In Fog, 2003
Kurort, 2004
Spitsbergen, 1998
Wittgenstein, 2001
All Images © Geert Goiris