"Sound and Fury, which captures commercial signage from unlikely angles. Lehr’s imagery denies the viewer the signs’ primary surface and message space, thus negating their communicative function. Emptied of their references, they become totem-like forms that bisect the image and draw us into non-places we rarely notice, such as medians separating traffic lanes or shoulders of roadways where such signage is anchored. A concurrent series, Mirage, documents scenes in the suburban landscape where the commonplace is revealed as both familiar and sublime. Mounds of gravel, mulch, and dirt are so perfectly arranged that they look like earthworks, and stacks of garbage and an electrical box stand as minimalist sculptures."

From Top To Bottom:
New Haven, CT 2004
Hatfield, MA 2006
Burger King, Connecticut 2005
Baltimore, MD 2005
Erving, MA 2006
All Images © John Lehr