Julia Baum, Alexander Binder, Gustav Gustafsson, Michael Bühler-Rose, Misha de Ridder, and Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann
and Domesticity Redux, a group show with photographs by:
Ben Alper, Matthew Crowther, Stefanie Fiore, Elizabeth Fleming, Lee Gainer, Erin Nelson, Donald Rasmussen, Justin James Reed, Sean Stewart, Helen Stuhr-Rommereim, Tribble & Mancenido, and Paris Visone.
Additionally, there is an interview with Lina Scheynius by Johanna Reed and a number of contemporary photography book reviews. I highly recommend visiting the Wassenaar website and spending some time with the photographs and writing. Also, Wassenaar's sister site, Projects, should be online any day now so make sure to you check back for further details. Below are a sampling of the images from Wassenaar 01:

From Top To Bottom:
Stefanie Fiore
Misha de Ridder
Helen Stuhr-Rommereim
Donald Rasmussen
Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann
Alexander Binder
Gustav Gustafsson
All Images © The Artists